Wednesday, November 28, 2012

DUDA #3 @ Adamson HS

Tournament schedule

Nov. 30, 2012
1:30 PM                Friday Registration
2:00 PM                Friday Judge Training
2:45 PM                Friday Round 1
Round 1: JF-CX, NF-CX, V-CX
4:45 PM                Friday Round 2
Round 2: JF-CX, NF-CX, V-CX
6:30 PM                Friday Dinner (All)
7:00 PM                Friday Round 3
Round 3: JF-CX, NF-CX, V-CX

Dec. 1, 2012
8:00 AM               Saturday Registration - HS
8:30 AM               Saturday Judge Training (All) & Registration - MS
9:00 AM               Saturday N, JV, MS Round 1 & Varsity Round 4
Round 1: JS-CX, NS-CX
Round 1A: MS-CX
Round 4: V-CX
10:00 AM             MS Round 1B
Round 1B: MS-CX
11:00 AM             Saturday N, JV, MS Round 2 & Varsity Round 5
Round 2: JS-CX, NS-CX
Round 2A: MS-CX
Round 5: V-CX
12:00 PM             MS Round 2B
Round 2B: MS-CX
1:00 PM                Saturday Lunch (All)
1:45 PM                Saturday N, JV, MS Round 3 & Varsity Semis
Round 3: JS-CX, NS-CX
Round 3A: MS-CX
Semifinal round: V-CX
2:45 PM                MS Round 3B
Round 3B: MS-CX
3:45 PM                Saturday Survey (All)
4:00 PM                Saturday Awards (All)


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South Garland Debate Tournament

Schedule of Events

Southern Classic 2012

Friday, November 30th

4:30……………………………………………Debate Rd 1/Duet&Duo Prelims
4:30……………………………………………Student Congress
6:30……………………………………………Debate Round 2
7:00........................................................Duet Acting Semis
8:00……………………………………………Super Congress/Duo Interp Semis
8:30……………………………………………Debate Round 3

Saturday, December 1st
7:00-7:30………………………......……I.E. Registration
7:30………………………………........…Extemp Draw in Auditorium
8:00………………………………...........Section A Prelims (DX, FX, PO, HI)
9:30………………………………….......Section B Prelims (OO, PR, DI)
11:00………………………………….....Debate Round 4
12:30………………………………….....Extemp Draw in Auditorium
1:00……………………………………...Semi-Finals-Section A IE’s, Duet Acting Finals
2:30…………………Debate Elim Rounds Begin; Semi-Finals Section B IE’s, Duo Interp Finals
4:00…………………….......……………Debate Elims Continue
4:30………………………........…………Finals Extemp Draw
5:00………………………….........………Individual Event Finals

 Debate Elims will be accelerated when possible. 
Awards will be announced and distributed in the cafeteria as results are tabulated. 


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Monday, November 19, 2012

Garcia-Okere GOing to State!

This Saturday, the JBS Law Magnet debate team competed at the Arlington High School Tournament . In novice Lincoln-Douglas debate, Dino De La O reached the quarterfinal round, placing 5th overall. In Varsity Lincoln-Douglas debate, Kimberly Pesina reached semifinals, which means she finished 3rd out of 48 competitors! By reaching semis, she earned 4 points toward qualifying for the State Championship. Students need a total of 12 points to qualify. In Varsity CX debate, Ivan Garcia and Seneca Okere won the tournament and, in doing so, finished their qualification to the State Championship! Ivan and Seneca are the first members to qualify to TFA State this year.

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Hockaday 2012



Friday, Nov. 9, 2012
3:15-4 p.m. Registration in the Academic Research Center

4:30 p.m. Round 1: LD, CX, PF

6:30 p.m. Round 2: LD, CX, PF

9 p.m. Round 3: LD, CX, PF

Saturday, Nov. 10, 2012
9:00 a.m. Round 4: VCX

11:30 a.m. Round 4: LD, NCX, PF

12:30 p.m. VCX Elims Begin

3:30 p.m. Debate elims begin: LD, NCX, PF

6:30 p.m. Debate elims continue: LD, CX, PF

7:30 p.m. Awards Assembly

· Elimination rounds in debate will be accelerated when possible. It is not advisable to leave campus.

· Debate breaks will be adjusted based on entry numbers, such as going to doubles in LD or directly to quarters in CX and PF.

· Students cross-entered within a section are responsible for getting to all of their rounds within the time allowed.